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Reino Unido

Upper Strensham
código postal WR8 9LJ
M5 Eastbound

Métodos de pago

Efectivo Pago con tarjeta UTA

Otros servicios

Tienda Restaurante

foursquare   google places 3.5

Combustible Precio
95 1,489 £/l
Дизелово гориво Diesel 1,716 £/l
Бензин А98 Ultimate Unleaded 2,004 £/l
Ultimate Diesel 0,000 £/l

Los precios son aproximados

Google Places© на 28.09.2022


Arunas Dzingus
Google Places© на 18.08.2022

Snap accepted, nice and warm peoples work good service, I like it

Google Places© на 09.03.2022

A farage is a garage, you fill up and pay its not an adventure, though it can be either a pleasant or nit so experience. Some staff are friendly, others are just doing the job and can't be arsed to even use manners!

Paul Smith
Google Places© на 27.01.2022

No wonder services have a bad name with Hgv drives. Call in to get a drink and something to eat. Asked if they could heat a pasty so could have something hot. Was told can’t warm it up for you. But they could heat up a toasted sandwich from the counter what’s the difference? As normal professional drivers are not appreciated

Intelligent Eating
Google Places© на 11.01.2020

Right. This is a good bp. - free Wi-Fi with workspaces with 2.1A usb plugs and 3 pin plugs - free toilets - fuel is expensive but standard for motorway - Friendly staff - always offers on stuff - free cash machine As garages go, it’s a good un - esp if you’ve got a bit of work to do.

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