17 999
0:00 - 24:00

Zelfservice tankstation


Om foto toe te voegen voer je profiel in



provincie Pärnu
postcode 86502
Soometsa tee 15


Cash Kaartbetaling DKV

Andere diensten


  google places 3.2

Brandstof Prijs
95 1,679 €/l
Дизелово гориво D 1,539 €/l
Бензин А98 98 1,729 €/l

prijzen bijgewerkt op 8.07.2024г. 0:09

Rimantas Šimbelis
Google Places© на 19.09.2022

Näitab veoauto parklat, aga pole selge, kuidas või kuhu parkida, pole isegi kõige lihtsamat biokäimlat, pole isegi prügikasti

Urmas Mandli
Google Places© на 14.06.2022

Andrei Bõstrov
Google Places© на 01.06.2022

rain reinsalu
Google Places© на 08.03.2022

Eiliki Pukk
Google Places© на 13.09.2021

Fully automized. Really convinient and fast. You can pay by bank card only. Paying terminal is in three languages- estonian, russian and english. Gas station is spacious enough even for big truck to turn over but the short way from main road- the Via Baltica quite narrow. Also you need to be attentive because there is local school aside the small road on the way to gas station.

Om een ​​opmerking toe te voegen moet je voer je profiel in

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